Caught Drink Driving?
“Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.”
George Bernard Shaw
Drink Driving Rehabilitation Scheme

Find out how you can reduce your driving ban with the Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme
High Risk Offender DVLA Approved Medical

Find out more about the medical required for High Risk Offenders
I am 59 years old and I committed a crime by drink driving. I can never forgive myself for this as I could have killed myself or others. I have constantly beaten myself up for what could have been a disastrous mistake. The big nasty judge sent me on the ISM course to rehabilitate me. I’m so grateful to Sharon and Martin for showing compassion and understanding my dilemma at the time my arrest, which is a day that I’ll never forget. Through this course, I have the tools and education to never to allow this to happen again. The big lightbulb went on and I now understand what a unit is and how long it takes to get out your system. Big huge thank u to u both You have made my life so much easier and I now have a better understanding of alcohol and drink driving.
Denise Hannah
Martin and Sharron did a top notch job in helping me understand more about drinking and driving. The coarse in Aberdeen was a real eye opener to me and left with a different mindset for sure. Keep up the good work. Two really nice people. Thanks guys.
JB Fox
I’ve just completed the course and it was worth attending, I've learned so much in the past three days. I was nervous at first but then everybody's in the same boat! It was really interesting. I actually think they should make you sit the course as part of the driving test just so you know the consequences as everyone’s a little naive. I definitely recommend this course!
I can’t get over how little I knew about alcohol and the effects it has on us. Sharron and Martin made me feel at ease from the start. There were 20 people doing it and we all
got on really well. It was well worth the effort and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to change their lifestyle choices and get educated. It will certainly think of the units-time before driving after a night day out. Thanks again Sharron and Martin for making us feel at ease from the start.
Brian Mckenzie